acrylic, canvas, 67 x 53, Koch Collection Iowa
Selected for Center Piece Contemporary Expressions of Sacred Art, Sonoma Museum of Visual Art, Santa Rosa, California.
oil, panel, 30" x 30"
The Sacred & Liturgical Visual Arts Exhibition Award for Painting: Liturgical and Sacred Art Exhibition, M.G. Nelson Family Gallery, Springfield, Illinois.
acrylic, canvas, 47" x 42"
Published in Surprised by Grace: God's Relentless Pursuit of Rebels - Tullian Tchividjian
acrylic, (2) canvas 48" x 48"
Artists of Hawaii Exhibit. Honolulu Museum of Art Juror: Ned Rifin, Director of the Hirshorn (Smithsonian Museum), Wahington, D.C
acrylic, canvas, 48" x 72"
First Place, Painting: New Directions, AHA, Bishop Square Exhibition Level, Mezzanine Gallery, Honolulu, Hawaii. Juror; Duane Preble-Educator and author of Art Forums.
acrylic, canvas, 30" x 40"
First Place Painting Award The National Veterans Creative Art Competition, Hawaii.
J.J.M Collection, Hawaii
acrylic, canvas, 28" x 62"
Artists of Hawaii Exhibit 2002. Juror: Ned Rifin, Director of the Hirshorn (Smithsonian Museum), Wahington, D.C
oil, canvas, 24" x 36"
Artists of Hawaii Exhibition, Honolulu Museum of Art. Juror: Laura Hoptman, senior curator, New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York. May 14 - August 16, 2009
Exhibition purchase, Private Collection, Florida.
acrylic, canvas, 66" by 72"
Melusine Award for Painting,
Artists of Hawaii 50th Exhibition.
Honolulu Museum of Art Collection purchase plus $1000 stipend award.
acyrlic, acrylic enamel, wood
The Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts Acquisition Award Collection.
acrylic, canvas, 36" x 24"
Accepted in the National 9/11 Memorial Museum Slide Registry, New York, NY.
Painting acrylic enamel, (2) canvas, 48" x 72"
Mixed Media Sculpture: metal, wheel cylinders, bowling ball, tennis balls, cement and enamel paint.First Solo Exhibition, Foyer Gallery, Pearl City, Hawaii